Happy Birthday to “The Darcys of Pemberley”

It’s official! My first-born literary child just turned one! It’s been a full year since The Darcys of Pemberley began hitting bookshelves and e-readers around the world, and its success has far exceeded my expectations. So I feel like celebrating!

If you are a parent, you know what it’s like to send your child off on a new venture – be it kindergarten, college, an audition, or a job interview. You’re proud of your kid and you’re anxious that s/he should be well received by the world. It’s the same for an author. Your book is your “baby” and you want everybody to love it like you do.

Okay, so not quite everybody has read The Darcys of Pemberley (not yet, at least), but I’m so grateful for all those who have – especially for those who enjoyed it enough to recommend it to friends. I’m honored to think that something I wrote with much TLC may have been the topic of conversation over your girls-lunch-out, at book club, or at the gym.

To express my appreciation, I’m throwing a little party. I wish I could have you all over for birthday cake (chocolate, of course) and a spirited game of charades or whist, but my house is a little too small for that. So I’ll do what authors usually do and give away books to celebrate!

The main drawing is open to everybody, with five winners having their choice of prizes – any one of my books in your preferred format, or whatever other goodies I can come up with. Simply leave a lovely comment below and check back September 1st to see if you’ve won. Then I’ll contact you to find out your choice of prize.

But in addition, I want to do something kind of special for one true DOP fan. I’m offering a signed copy with hand-written annotations. Would you like to know the derivation of the names Sanditon and Heatheridge used in the book? Did you catch all the inside jokes? There’s actually a quote from The Godfather contained in the book. Did anybody notice that? Here’s your chance to find out all the inside scoop.

So, if you’ve already read The Darcys of Pemberley (or will have before the end of August), you can also enter to a win the specially annotated copy by sending me an e-mail (subject line: annotated DOP) at shannon(at)shannonwinslow(dot)com. In it, quote the opening sentence of chapter 32 to confirm you own the book.

I wish my budget could afford giving away and all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii, but a virtual visit to Regency England through the pages of a book will have to do. Thanks again to everyone who has supported me through this past year. You really have helped to make my dream come true!

I wish you joy of your birthday twenty times over. I shall be able to send this to the post today, which exalts me to the utmost pinnacle of human felicity, and makes me bask in the sunshine of prosperity, or gives me any other sensation of pleasure in studied language which you may prefer. ( from a letter to her sister Cassandra, dated January 8, 1799)

About Shannon Winslow

author of historical fiction in the tradition of Jane Austen
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39 Responses to Happy Birthday to “The Darcys of Pemberley”

  1. suzan says:

    I can’t believe it’s been out that long already. However, it does feel like a bit since I’ve read it. I may just have to reread.

  2. Colleen Lane says:

    I’ll admit it, I have not read the book yet. But, I can at least say it has been on my TBR list for the last year. Congrats on the book b-day 😉

  3. Vicki Tolliver says:

    Happy Birthday “D. O. P”. I’m looking forward to many many more children, that are just as fun and great as your first!

  4. Kris Sutterfield says:

    Congratulations! What a feeling it must be. My twin boys just turned one years old. 🙂

  5. I have spent the summer searching all around for Pride and Prejudice inspired books, but I haven’t been able to find your books at any of the local libraries in my area. Guess I will just have to take the plunge and make the trip to Barnes and Noble. 😉 Congratulations on the success of “D.O.P” this past year, and I hope I get a chance really soon to check it out.

    • Hi, Alicia! No, you won’t find my books in very many libraries or at the remaining brick-and-mortal book stores. They’re mostly available online – B&N, Amazon, & Smashwords (links on each books page here at this site). Here’s an idea. You could buy one now (so you won’t have to wait any longer) and maybe you’ll win the other! Thanks for your interest, and good luck!

  6. Julie Buck says:

    Congratulations – doesn’t seem that long ago at all – can’t wait to read the next one!


  7. Lúthien84 says:

    Many heartiest congratulations to you Shannon on your success. Looking forward to reading more books by you. Btw I won an eBook of DOP at Darcyholic Diversions and I have started reading the 1st chapter.

    I even blog about your contest @ http://forloveofausten.blogspot.com/2012/07/austenesque-book-giveaways-for-30-july.html

  8. Pepper says:

    A year already? Congratulations Shannon!! I really liked DOP and am thrilled to hear so many others are enjoying it as well. Anxiously awaiting the release of RTL.

  9. A year and about fifteen reads later for me. Hi to Fitzdub and Lizzie.

  10. Kelli H. says:

    Congratulations, Shannon! I must admit that I have not read “The Darcy’s of Pemberley” but it has been on my TBR list for quite sometime! I have heard nothing but wonderful things about this book and I can’t wait to read it!!=)

  11. Amy B. says:

    Thank you for the giveaways! I have The Darcys of Pemberley in paperback & really enjoyed it. I think I liked For Myself Alone even better & would love to have it in paperback (it’s on my Kindle).

  12. Pingback: Jane’s Next Novel? | Austen Authors

  13. Thank you for the chance! I love Austenesque novels, and it is always so much fun to find one I haven’t read yet! From the excerpts The Darcy’s of Pemberley looks fantastic. 🙂

  14. Gail Brown Laskow says:

    Oh, Wow!! An author I actually know! Albeit, someone from from my sisters class of ’73! Admittedly, you are new to me, as an author, and I have not a read a book of yours (I didn’t know!!) so if I should win, my prize choice would be your first book if that works for you!

  15. Shannon:

    I am embarrassed to say that I have not read your book as of yet! I would love to have a copy of my very own. I have read Mr. Collin’s Last Supper, but not your original book. So if I should be blessed to win I would love it!


  16. Patricia Finnegan says:

    Happy Birthday on the book! 🙂 If i had to choose it would be either for myself alone or the Darcys of pemberley , They all sound good its hard to choose! Both have been on my to be read list

  17. Jakki L. says:

    Happy birthday DOP!! 🙂 I have both of your books on my TBR list, so thanks for the opportunity to win one of them! Hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating! 🙂

  18. Danielle C says:

    A year? Really? Wow this year has really gone by fast. But at least that means a year has flown by and we get another one of your b ooks to read soon. 🙂

  19. Katie Anderson says:

    I’ve just started to look for Austenesque books. The Darcys of Pemberley looks great, especially because you composed it with Jane Austen’s lovely writing style in mind. I look forward to reading it!

  20. BeckyC says:

    Shannon, Oh how the time flies!! Congratulatons! How exciting. Thank you for the giveaway! I know what I want if I win!

  21. Susan D says:

    This book sounds like fun – I’ve not read it. I would love a chance to win. Thanks! 🙂

  22. Celebrating with you, Shannon!
    You’re a wonderful contributor to our JA World 🙂 and most pleased you’re having a 1 YR Party to mark your success!
    I’ve included ‘For Myself Alone’ for my Austen in August selections at Roof Beam Reader’s blog !

  23. James Allen says:

    I can’t wait for your next book. At least I can read your contributions on Austen Authors!

  24. LilMissMolly says:

    I don’t have any of your books yet, but sure would like to own one! Thanks for the giveaway! And, congrats on the new release!

  25. Lori says:

    Happy birthday, DOP! I haven’t read any of your books, Shannon, but I love Austen variations!
    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  26. Pingback: Party Favors | Shannon Winslow's "Jane Austen Says…"

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